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    Antofagasta de la Sierra “The Jewel of Catamarca”

    Discover why Antofagasta de la Sierra is “La Joya de Catamarca”. This corner of the province has everything for a high-altitude tourism. A whole dream!

    12 de January, 2021

    When it comes to tourism, Catamarca is probably one of the least exploited provinces of Argentina. However, Antofagasta de la Sierra is evidence of how much this wonderful place can give. We’re talking about “The Jewel” of this province. A wonderful place surrounded by mountains of more than 6,000 meters where you will find volcanoes, salt flats, lagoons and the famous Pómez Stone Field.

    Located in the heart of Puna catamaran, this place of wild nature does not stay behind in terms of history. Man has lived in this place for more than ten thousand years. His fertile valleys and vegas provided the water necessary to survive, allowing food collection and hunting. Not in vain the Incas occupied these lands between 1470 and 1536, taking their gold mines.

    Today, Antofagasta de la Sierra has everything for a dream vacation. To its fascinating landscapes is added a varied and exquisite gastronomy that, together with its high-altitude hotel offer, offers everything for a full stay on site. But what activities can be done in “La Joya de Catamarca”?


    The main attraction of the area is the Pómez Stone Field. There is no person that visits this place and don’t fall in love. However, it’s one of the activities with less duration and less height, so it’s highly recommended to make it first. It’s perfect to acclimatize!

    The Pómez Stone Field looks like something out of a space movie, really other-worldly. These fields are 25 km wide, full of volcanic stone formations –several meters high– originated by eruptions that were then eroded. The landscape is complemented by the volcanic white sand dunes, which makes the complete view of the place unique in the world.

    You should know that you can only access the place in 4×4 vehicles. However, the almost 23 KM of gravel that you have to travel are worth it. In addition, on the way you can come across Carachi Pampa, home to reddish water lagoons, dark earth and a huge volcano that bears the same name of this destination. Flamingos don’t keep waiting, making the visit more attractive.

    Other attraction of Antofagasta de la Sierra that you cannot miss is the Salar del Hombre Muerto. Less than 100 km from the city, there are only three of these salt deserts, so it’s impossible to go to Antofagasta and not visit it. The experience will be unforgettable and, in addition, during the visit you can also access the Ruins of Incahuasi, an old gold mine where you can observe striking constructions.

    If you were fascinated with saline paradise, it’s the safest thing to do! Do not worry, there is also the Salar de Antofalla. No more and less than the longest in the world. In fact, it’s also a must-have from Catamarca. Although its coloration is not so white, the reflection of its surrounding mountains and volcanoes contrast with its reddish tones.

    Furthermore, if the length of stay allows you, we recommend the Galán Volcano. You will be able to access the top of the crater (about 4900 meters) and, from there, spot the Diamante lagoon. If that weren’t enough, you can find fumaroles and boilers too! Don’t forget the Museums, they are presented as the perfect complement to a day of excursions. See also the 10 best excursions in Catamarca.


    As we mentioned at the beginning, Antofagasta de la Sierra is ready for tourism even being a small town, which means it has good accommodation options.

    While they are simple inns without many luxuries, they offer the necessary services and amenities for a comfortable and pleasant stay. We advise you to book in advance and thus not run out of place. If you want to stay in the same village, it’s important to plan it beforehand.

    Another alternative is to stay in El Peñón, a small village that is located a few kilometers away and also has good hotel options. Consult our travel advisors for more information and help regarding the booking.


    While you can visit at any time of the year, going during winter might be inconvenient. Many roads freeze and you probably won’t be able to make some of the excursions on offer in this area.

    From September to March, the weather is great. Summer days are warm and do not become sweltering, thanks to the low humidity of the area and winds. The nights are cool even these days, which you should consider when doing nocturnal activities.

    In a nutshell, we dare to say that the best time to travel to the city is between early September and early December. You will find the best weather for each and every activity.


    As we have told you in this and other articles about Catamarca, the attractions of Antofagasta de la Sierra are at considerable heights. In this sense, consideration should be given when planning the trip. It’s important to count a day free of excursions when you arrive, rest and acclimatize to the effects of height before starting the walks. If you are driving your own vehicle, you should have special caution when going around the area; as you climb some sites, the stun is more severe and can cause counterproductive effects in front of the steering wheel.

    Whatever it is, don’t forget that you can count on the personalized guidance of our travel advisors. Don’t hesitate to contact them right now!

    Live Antofagasta de la Sierra “La Joya de Catamarca”!

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