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    Ruinas de Quilmes “The Holy City”

    Ruinas de Quilmes “The Holy City” of Tucumán, shows us the remains of the largest pre-Columbian settlement in the country. It’s a real natural temple.

    18 de January, 2021

    One of the cultural treasures of the province of Tucumán and probably from all over the country are the Ruinas de Quilmes, “The Holy City”. We are talking about the home of the remains of the largest pre-Columbian settlement in the country. To have a reference to the magnitude of the territory, the ruins cover an estimated area of about 33 hectares.

    Its name comes from Quilmes or Kilmes Indians inhabitants; later uprooted and transferred to Buenos Aires. The lands passed to the indigenous people and later to the descendants of the Quilmes until the state expropriated dozens and dozens of hectares in the area.

    Thus, by the time of the World Cup Argentina 78, in the midst of dictatorship, the restoration of the pieces and the conditioning of the place for tourist purposes was carried out! However, the archaeological reconstruction was not developed according to protocols and, now, the descendants claim their lands.

    Don’t worry, to date, Quilmes Ruins can be visited and explored without trouble. That’s how it’s been for years. So, if you come to Tucumán, you can’t miss this magical place. Let’s see how to get to this destination!


    There are two simple ways to get to the Quilmes Ruins. Both paths are picturesque and give us landscapes to enjoy:

    • By the National Route 40, considering that the Ruins are located just a few kilometers in a deviation from this route.
    • In case you travel from San Miguel de Tucumán, Tafí del Valle or Amaicha del Valle, you start on Route 307, which flows into National Route 40.

    In order for you to have a better reference you can consult our travel specialists. For us it will be a pleasure to guide you and help you plan the visit to the “Sacred City of Quilmes”. There is the option to prepare travel itineraries where you combine this destination with other spectacular places in Tucumán.


    There are several accommodation options for those visiting the famous ruins. The nearest one is Amaicha del Valle, with few but good options. Although, a little further, Tafí del Valle is another alternative; its hotel offer is wider because it‘s a slightly larger population.

    As a third option is the capital city, San Miguel de Tucumán; but the trip takes around three hours. Another alternative is Salta, in the city of Cafayate; the distance is only one hour and you can combine with excursions from that destination.

    See the best five hotels in Tucumán in 2020, there are options for all tastes and needs.


    Basically, you can visit the remains of the ancient Holy City of Quilmes. It is advisable to hire an excursion in which you have the accompaniment of a guide. Taking the tour with someone trained is essential. Not only it’s better for taking advantage of the time: they will take you back in time and into the time, with accurate information about each ruin.

    It’s not just about seeing and taking pictures, it’s about understanding how the ancient inhabitants of the place lived, getting to know their growing and even defense areas too. In short, you are also shown how they protected themselves from the advances of the Spaniards, during the invasions.


    The Quilmes Ruins can be visited all year round, however and like almost everything, it’s best enjoyed at a certain time of year: the dry season, which is between the months of April to November.

    It is also feasible to make the visit during summer. The problem with this season is that, even though it doesn’t usually rain much, when it happens, landslides are registered in the area that make the activity impossible. From there, it is convenient to consult operability through whatsapp.

    Beyond the heavy rains of summer, the weather is generally dry and with a thermal amplitude that varies around 18°C between day and night. So, if you are going to travel this season, light clothing is not suggested. Instead, it’s recommended to dress in the “onion style”. The idea of wearing several layers of clothing is to be able to shelter or unbutton as the temperature rises or drops.

    Undoubtedly, Ruinas de Quilmes, “The Holy City” is a Tucumán destination of significant historical and attractive cargo. Choose the time when you prefer or you can visit it and don’t hesitate to contact our specialists when planning your trip. Not only will they guide you, they will also give you all the tools you need to create your travel itinerary. In fact, if you prefer, you can leave everything in our hands.

    Quilmes Ruins, a journey into the past!

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